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Holographic head and text "Frontiers of Technology and Humanity"
Exploring the Frontiers of Technology and Humanity – summer school
  • 06.10.2023
  • 21.10.2023

If you are a young researcher interested in artificial intelligence, you have a unique opportunity to participate in a discussion on the transformational relationship between technology and humanity with world-renowned scientists, policy makers, entrepreneurs, and researchers. Participation is free of charge! Don't miss the opportunity and join us in magical Krakow on 16th-19th October 2023.

With the implications of artificial intelligence currently being  the topic of intense discussion and debate – join scholars, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and researchers from across the world to explore the transformative relationship between technology and humanity.

This four-day event features talks, panels, demonstrations, and workshops designed to discover new insights by approaching these issues from a variety of different perspectives.

The event will address a whole series of themes including AI, smart cities, education, religion, ethics, and sustainability with the aim of identifying opportunities to create technology that makes life better for humanity.

The number of places is limited.

The organiser of the Exploring the Frontiers of Technology and Humanity Conference is the AGH University Doctoral School.
